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"Participation in the MBLC was, and is, of great benefit. I am beginning to feel more liberated and appreciating, more and more, the here and now."
" This course has changed my life. I have valued the opportunity to have this time for me as an individual, away from my responsibilities of caring for my children. I feel alive again"
" This course has supported me in dealing with my levels of stress, I am now able to take a step back, to recognise my thoughts and potential reactions. I am not so quick to react and would love to have more sessions. This feels like the beginning"
 “I feel more human and connected to others – even though my symptoms are sometimes a bit bizarre… the underlying emotions are actually… really normal! I feel less like a label, less ‘other’… and more just part of the flow of life – just another person trying to survive. “
 “As an added bonus to the above I find that I can be a lot calmer with my teenage boys and am sharing some of the 5-minute calming tools to support my children eg my 23 year old daughter to help calm her nerves before a job interview.”
“I feel more able to be present in my own life… and during the course I felt supported in embracing more of my experience… including that which I have pushed away for a long time. I feel a little more accepting of my own experience as valid... coming back to the body is a little less terrifying”
“I have more motivation to go out, and am coping better under pressure.”
“I think this course has been the most significant course I have ever undertaken, Its effects have been felt in all aspects of my life. Brilliant!”
"I'm more aware that I have a choice, to get involved and worry, or to take the time to breathe and forgive myself and gently feel more grounded, more able to sustain my presence and less wound up".
“I am more aware of other people’s feelings and emotions.”
“I was sceptical but… it has been excellent, quiet, thoughtful, non-intrusive and very supportive.”
“Feeling less hated/more accepted”
"I now use Mindfulness on a daily basis. An essential tool to help cope with everyday life"
“It’s been precious and important”
“Increased acceptance that simplifying my life and making more time for ‘non doing’ is okay!"
“Benefits have included reduced pain and improved sleep. I’ve been surprised by my ability to relax so deeply that fibromyalgia pain is greatly reduced. It has also enabled me to put stressful situations into perspective better, reducing tension and anxiety.”
"I'm more aware that I have a choice, to get involved and worry, or to take the time to breathe and forgive myself and gently feel more grounded, more able to sustain my presence and less wound up".
 “I'm saying 'yes' more often to life and its challenges and my vulnerability. People keep commenting on how calm I am, although I don't always feel that way inside, so maybe it's creating a softer way of being, like a coat I borrow and will one day grow into, or even grow my own."
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